Tuesday, October 23, 2012

What IS a Licensing Sub-Agency, Anyway?

...And why should you care?

In addition to Washington State County Auditors, Licensing Sub-Agencies are available to assist with vehicle and vessel title and registration services.  Sub-Agencies are private (small) businesses contracted with County Auditors and are appointed by the Washington State Department of Licensing.

Fred Maxie, Owner, Ballard Licensing in Seattle, WA & FastCarTabs.com

Sub-Agencies provide important, convenient licensing services to their communities and are, in fact, small business owners much like their community neighbors.  If it weren't for these businesses, you'd have to travel a lot farther to handle your licensing business (and it would take a lot more time!)

Here are a few examples of what a Licensing Sub-Agency can DO for you:

  • Vehicle Registration Renewals
  • Vessel Registration Renewals
  • New License Plates
  • Replace a Lost Title
  • Title Transfers
  • Notary Public

Some of the services Licensing Sub-Agencies DO NOT provide:

  • Driver Licenses and Renewals
  • Identification Cards and Renewals
  • Driver Tests
  • Driver Records
So, add the Licensing Sub-Agencies to your list of small businesses to support in your communities.  They have your best interests in mind.

For additional information or to renew your vehicle/vessel tabs, visit us at www.fastcartabs.com.

Monday, October 22, 2012

WDOL Holiday Closures: 2012

Madonna's not the only one that can appreciate a holiday!

Check out this year's holiday office closures for the Department of Licensing, Ballard Licensing and all Licensing Sub-Agents across the State of Washington.

Monday, November 12, 2012           Veteran's Day

Thursday, November 22, 2012        Thanksgiving Day

Friday, November 23, 2012               Day After Thanksgiving

Tuesday, December 25, 2012          Christmas Day

Note:  Customers will still have access to car/boat registration renewals online at www.fastcartabs.com, however, mail service could be delayed due to the federal holidays and USPS.

Friday, October 19, 2012

FREE Rides on King County Metro Transit

Don't Forget Your 8 Free Rides from KC Metro!

Through May 31, 2014, if you reside in King County, WA and pay the Congestion Reduction Charge when you renew your tabs, you are eligible for 8 free rides on King County Metro Transit

The rides are transferable, so even if you don't ride the bus, you can give them to family or friends...or better yet, donate them to those in your community that really need them!  There is a box to check on the form to have the county donate on your behalf.

Feel free to contact us at (206) 781 0199, info@fastcartabs.com or find us on social media (www.twitter.com/ballardlicense and www.facebook.com/ballardlicensing) for more information about this program.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Replacing a Lost Registration

Have you misplaced your vehicle registration?

Don't worry, we're going to tell you how to get a new one!

Seems that the only time you know you've lost your vehicle registration is when you finally need it.  Then there's the anxiety to, 1.) figure out how to get one and 2.) finally finding the time to get it done. Here is the information you'll need to check this off your list of things to do.

  1. Complete the "Affidavit of Loss" section of the Affidavit of Loss/Release of Interest form (available at the link provided below.)
  2. Sign the form.  ALL registered owners must sign, and the signatures must be notarized.
  3. Submit the completed form:
    • By mail with a check or money order
    • In person at any vehicle licensing office (Ballard Licensing takes major credit cards!)

Visit http://www.dol.wa.gov/vehicleregistration/replaceregistration.html for links to documents, forms and additional information.

Below we've listed the fees for replacement or duplicate registrations:

Duplicate Registration: $5 (+ $5 subagent fee - all licensing offices)
Duplicate Title: Vehicles/Trailers: $19.00, Boats - $5.25 (+ $5 subagent fee - all licensing offices)

Ballard Licensing also provides registration and notary services to help make this process simple for you in a one-stop shop!

Monday, October 1, 2012

DOL New Fee Schedule - Effective October 1, 2012

Effective today, King County Metro implemented significant rider changes, the cost for a new driver's license in Washington nearly doubled, and the following Department of Licensing  fees have increased.  

New Fee Schedule Effective 
October 1, 2012

Several Department of Licensing fees will increase on October 1, 2012

ENGROSSED HOUSE BILL 2660 – Transportation Revenues, passed in the 2012 legislative session which increased the following fees used to support vehicle-related programs, public safety programs, and other transportation-related needs.

Fee Type
Current Fee
Fee on or after 
October 1
Title application fee
(vehicles only)

Note: Washington licensed dealer sales will go by the dealer date of sale.
Transfer Penalty fee

Assessed on the 16th day after the date of delivery and $2.00 a day thereafter to a maximum of $100.00.

Assessed on the 16th day after the date of delivery and $2.00 a day thereafter to a maximum of $125.00.
Original issue license plate
No fee
For new vehicles or vehicles coming in from out of state or country.

For some specialty plates

$10.00 per plate
For new vehicles or vehicles coming in from out of state or country.

For some specialty plates except for Disabled American Veteran plates, Former Prisoner of War, Gold Star, Medal of Honor, Pearl Harbor Survivor, and State and publicly-owned plates.

Original issue motorcycle place
No fee
Motorcycle replacement plate