Tuesday, October 23, 2012

What IS a Licensing Sub-Agency, Anyway?

...And why should you care?

In addition to Washington State County Auditors, Licensing Sub-Agencies are available to assist with vehicle and vessel title and registration services.  Sub-Agencies are private (small) businesses contracted with County Auditors and are appointed by the Washington State Department of Licensing.

Fred Maxie, Owner, Ballard Licensing in Seattle, WA & FastCarTabs.com

Sub-Agencies provide important, convenient licensing services to their communities and are, in fact, small business owners much like their community neighbors.  If it weren't for these businesses, you'd have to travel a lot farther to handle your licensing business (and it would take a lot more time!)

Here are a few examples of what a Licensing Sub-Agency can DO for you:

  • Vehicle Registration Renewals
  • Vessel Registration Renewals
  • New License Plates
  • Replace a Lost Title
  • Title Transfers
  • Notary Public

Some of the services Licensing Sub-Agencies DO NOT provide:

  • Driver Licenses and Renewals
  • Identification Cards and Renewals
  • Driver Tests
  • Driver Records
So, add the Licensing Sub-Agencies to your list of small businesses to support in your communities.  They have your best interests in mind.

For additional information or to renew your vehicle/vessel tabs, visit us at www.fastcartabs.com.


  1. Yeah and Ballard Licensing is the absolute best at Washington State vehicle registration renewals online. There's even a step by step panel to the left to help you along. After I used it I got my car tabs in the mail the next day! Thanks Ballard Licensing!

  2. Thank you for sharing your comments! We appreciate your business and work hard to make everything quick and easy for you!
